
What’s the Right Age for Crazy Hair Colors?

Posted On January 23, 2018 at 6:56 pm by / Comments Off on What’s the Right Age for Crazy Hair Colors?

Once upon a time, it was rare to see someone with crazy hair color outside of the punk-rock scene. That’s not the case nowadays. Now, it’s not uncommon to see your coworker or your neighbor sporting pink, purple, and blue locks. And if you haven’t seen colors like these in real life, you’ve probably seen cotton-candy pastels or oil slick hair on Pinterest, YouTube, or Instagram. You’ve definitely seen pictures of Kylie Jenner in a blue or green wig at some point.

Crazy hair color is all around us, but what happens when middle-schoolers and younger tweens want to dye their own hair a vivid color? We were curious if our customers, many of whom are parents of kids this age, felt that there should be an age requirement for this type of hair. So we polled them on Facebook, asking, “How young is too young for crazy hair color? Is there such a thing?”

See the post and the full discussion here or browse some of our highlights below:

We expected them to have strong opinions on this topic. But it seems we asked the wrong question:

“The better question is how old is too old…” – Travis Lloyd
Like Travis, many respondents seemed more interested in discussing how crazy hair color looks on adults. “How old is too old, that’s my question,” Diana S.G. echoed. As did Gretchen L. B., who said, “How old is too old? I’m over 60 and have added a pink stripe in October for breast cancer warriors!” So what’s the answer?